I am making a series of instructional videos for anterior zirconia applications, zirconia options, and the finishing process.  Zirconia aesthetics options and support liquid ceramics provide a new look for using anterior zirconia aesthetic restorations.

My indications for zirconia have been the need for material strength, subgingival margins, and a mouth with a higher caries rate.  Now, with more pre-mill layered aesthetic options, this case demonstration opens another zirconia indication, blocking out darker roots by using the more opaque zone with a multi-layer zirconia. I have found the ZirCAD MT Multi to have one of the best zirconia incisal translucency characteristics (5Y Zone) and a mid-body to the cervical zone that is opaque enough to block out (4Y zone), and yet not too bright.

 This case was created with ZirCAD MT Multi A1, designed in the CEREC software, and milled with the Primemill. When working with zirconia, I aim to establish 95% of shape, form, emergence, embrasures, and outline in the virtual design software. Once the zirconia is milled, all we do is apply surface texture and preluster polish and then sinter.  This case was sintered in the Programat CS6 using the longer 60-minute cycle to maximize incisal translucency. 

The final finishing is lingual polish, MiYO liquid ceramic for labial incisal edge effects, and the enamel luster with the Insync glaze.  This case was fun to do. I look forward to providing detailed video documentation that will be arriving soon for the Klim Institute online members to view.